Thank you for sharing this article. I appreciate the hands on history and recipe sharing. Many of us believe and practice the 'let food be your medicine and medicine be your food' theory, especially after watching our parents health fail from too much 'convenient' food and prescription drug solutions to health issues. I would love to visit a food court of medicinal soups, but in the meantime I'll make this soup. And thank goodness we have 2 Asian grocery stores in our town. The recipe had me at the ginger and dried goji berries!
Thank you for sharing this article. I appreciate the hands on history and recipe sharing. Many of us believe and practice the 'let food be your medicine and medicine be your food' theory, especially after watching our parents health fail from too much 'convenient' food and prescription drug solutions to health issues. I would love to visit a food court of medicinal soups, but in the meantime I'll make this soup. And thank goodness we have 2 Asian grocery stores in our town. The recipe had me at the ginger and dried goji berries!