Other ways to get involved: see www.longnow.org

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Thank you so much for this post. I don’t want to live in a world where ultra processed foods is the only option, with air so bad we can’t enjoy a simple walk outside. I believe fostering a culture that celebrates real food is one way to protect it, but it’s so difficult when people need to work around the clock only to live paycheck to paycheck. It’s so broken and there’s so much to say... I can’t recommend Metabolical by Robert Lustig enough - it’s a fantastic resource for understanding the industrial food system complex and Ultra Processed Food’s impact on health.

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I grew up on a farm about 20 miles from the biggest tractor factory in the world. That would be John Deere in Waterloo, Iowa. When I was growing up if you got a job at John Deere, you had it made. It had great benefits and a generous pension. It was a good union job and it still is to this day. When Russians soldiers raided a John Deere dealership in Ukraine and drove those tractors back to Russia, John Deere disabled those tractors via satellite and the Russians were unable to use them. People have no idea what an incredible high tech company John Deere is.

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I don't think we can rely on a government that is already in the pockets of a small group of people who can afford to not care, who have already bought their way to the few remaining safe spaces (some, as we already know are also buying into trying to leave altogether). As romantic and misguided as it sounds, normal people are going to have to get together, put aside the culture distractions ("look! A trans!") and wrest the power away (maybe even violently) from these ghouls who see us and the world as nothing but vessels for more money.

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“It isn't necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice. There are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia.”

― Frank Zappa (1940-1993)

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Summed up perfectly. We need huge uncomfortable changes to our lives. Electric cars are just finding a way to carry on as normal but using a different method. Governments are still advocating economic growth as the way forward - the whole system is broken.

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Well said. I highly recommend the work of Alex Steffen of The Snap Forward and other essays on discontinuity/the too-slow pace of climate crisis countermeasures and adaptations. Definitely in line with the concerns you are expressing!

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See also the concept of ‘predatory delay’ as an answer to the question posed in your title.

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There has been meaningful legislation on climate and energy, and every single republican voted against it! Governor Ron DeSastrous of Florida turned down $377 million of federal funds that would have helped consumers buy energy efficient appliances. These programs were too "woke" for him.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Kate Bittman

Refreshing to see the outrage regarding our inaction regarding the climate catastrophe that is here already. I’m sick of the way the solutions to climate and food are are sold as largely individual choices and if we as individuals made better choices then everything would be fine ignoring that the larger system we live in is broken.

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It's sad to think so many people believe we can have such a great effect on the earth. So many heating and cooling cycles have taken place that have had tremendous impacts both before and after human habitation. Adapting to change has always been part of the human experience and will continue to be in the future. Making extreme economic sacrifices to an indeterminate goal is just foolhardy. People that buy into this nonsense are not looking at all the science, they pick and choose. In the seventies it was all about an upcoming ice age....50 years have passed and we are all so much smarter...haha.

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Thank you, Mark. I have been composting for years. My so called friends ask why I do, can you imagine! I explain, that this world needs help any way we can! I am saving money to buy an electric car, but that will be in about 2 years, we only drive our current car it when we have to. I don't see anyone in Government, ahem, the HOUSE, helping us!

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Well your words are on target. WHY aren't we taking action? Look at the major financial interests. As you said, John Deere, DuPont, 3M, Monsanto/Bayer, Archer Daniels Midland, Shell, Exxon, Mobil.... They (don't forget, massive corporations are people) ARE doing REALLY well. The whole banking, sticks and commodity trading entities are doing great. A US senator makes a salary of $175K. Their re-election takes perhaps $50-200 million. They are not getting most of that $100 million from us little guys. See the list of interests above?.. That's who pays for it. So when Archer Daniels Midland and Shell cough up 5 million each, through smokescreen PACS, you better believe that senator will not do ANYTHING that threatens all those corporations. In fact, the expectation is that the senator will bend over backwards to help them. THAT IS THE PROBLEM.! Nobody is going to do anything... No senators are going to appropriate 2 trillion to start revamping infrastructure and creating efficient mass transportation. The $2 trillion goes to the billionaires, voted for by the billionaires, no problem. They are not going to do a goddamn thing... And this is not just USA, .. as long as their corporations are making money. Capitalism is a cancer that has riddled our society to the bones and we're on our last legs.

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Brilliant newsletter, thank you for this! We need to get serious

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Kate Bittman

Sharing. Thank you!

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Kate Bittman

Yes. Yes. Yes. Ebikes not ecars, less kids, repair don’t replace, avoid “Add to Basket” lifestyle, walk don’t “deliver”. So many ways to take it down some. But we do need a war effort from government. Also train not car whenever you can and of course more veggies more local. We are truly in crisis mode now.

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Best column ever

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